The (Dayalbagh) RaDhaSvaAaMi Satsang Association of Europe
About Us
The (Dayalbagh) RaDhaSvaAaMi Satsang Association of Europe (DRSAE) is a faith-based, not-for-profit charity run by volunteers who are followers of the RaDhaSvaAaMi Faith. DRSAE follows the guidelines of RaDhaSvaAaMi Satsang Sabha, the apex body governing the affairs of the followers of the faith called Satsangis and the colony of Dayalbagh, under the guidance of the Sant Satguru of the time, the spiritual head of the faith.
As a community, the followers subscribe to the ideal of the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man. DRSAE has three registered branches. Two are in the UK, namely London and Birmingham, and one in Germany.
Our Activities:
Yoga and meditation: prayer, meditation, and mindfulness
Voluntary service is a cardinal principle of our faith. We believe it helps promote a spirit of cooperation and unity in the local community.